HOME School & Institute

The 23-24 school year wraps up with ceremonial events

2024.07.10 00:51:32 Yujun Lee

[Graduation ceremony at Homestead High School, held on June 6th. Photo Credit: Yujun Lee]

As the 2023-24 school year comes to a close, schools across the United States have been buzzing with excitement as students from coast to coast celebrate their academic achievements through a series of ceremonial events.


Although the exact dates of these ceremonies vary by region and school district, they are typically held annually in late May or early June.


The timing depends on when each school’s academic year began in the fall, which ultimately determines when it ends.


These ceremonies honor the oldest grade levels at each school, which are 5th graders, 8th graders, and 12th graders.


The purpose of these events is to invite friends and families to celebrate students’ milestones and congratulate them on ending their academic journeys.


However, the terminology and traditions surrounding these events differ.


Fifthgraders and eighth graders experience a promotion ceremony since the students will advance to middle school and high school, respectively.


In contrast, high school seniors attend a graduation ceremony since they have completed their twelve years of education and are preparing to embark on the next phase of their lives.


Some seniors will continue their academic journey in post-secondary education, while others will enter the workforce.


At Homestead High School in Cupertino, California, the graduation ceremony took place on June 6th, 2024, on the school’s football field.


Families and friends gathered in the bleachers to witness the event, while graduates, dressed in gowns and caps, were seated in the center of the field next to the stage.


The ceremony first began with speeches from the school’s principal and school staff, followed by addresses from select graduates who had excelled academically or made significant contributions to the school community.


After the speeches, each graduate’s name was called, and they walked up to the stage to receive their high school diploma from the principal, amid cheers from their loved ones.


The ceremony concluded with a cap-tossing tradition, a jubilant celebration where graduates throw their caps into the air as a symbol of their achievements and the beginning of new adventures.


Many caps were decorated with elements symbolizing the college each graduate is planning to attend.


After the ceremony was over, families and friends joined the graduates on the field to offer congratulations, present flowers, and take photos.


Snacks were provided for everyone to enjoy during this celebratory time.


While high school graduation ceremonies were held, promotion ceremonies for younger students took place earlier in the day.


These ceremonies followed a similar format but did not include the awarding of diplomas or the wearing of gowns and caps, as the students have yet to complete their 12 years of education.


These traditional ceremonies represent major milestones in the lives of students, celebrating their hard work and achievements as they move onto the next stage of their educational journeys.

Yujun Lee / Grade 10
Homestead High School