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Ukraine unleashes ‘Dragon Drones’ on Russia’s front lines

2024.10.07 08:13:08 Hyejoo Shin

[Photo Credit to Pixabay]

In the beginning of September 2024, Ukraine started to use what is known as ‘dragon drones’ on Russian territories.


The drones are named ‘Dragon Drones’ as they resemble fire coming out from a dragon’s mouth.


The ‘dragon drones’ release thermite, a mixture of aluminum powder and iron oxide on their target.


Thermite can be deadly as it can burn at up to 2,200 degrees Celsius, causing a massive wipe out of all vegetation near the targeted area.


“They become a real threat to the enemy, burning his position with an accuracy that no other weapon can achieve,” stated a media post produced from Ukraine’s 60th Mechanized Brigade.


The war between Russia and Ukraine started on February 24th, 2022; the war has now evolved into the war of drones and technology.


The superiority of drones lies in the fact that within a few seconds, the land attacked by the drone can burn vigorously, swiping out all vegetation.


The thermite that is used in the drone can be harmful to not only nature but also to the human body.


According to Human Rights Watch (HRW), they explained that “[Thermite] can cause damage to the muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, blood vessels, and even bones.” 


The use of this drone in war has led to varied perspectives .


While many critics acknowledge the importance of using drones, some are concerned about the aftermath that both countries have to deal with as a consequence.


Human Rights Watch described the dragon drones as “notorious for their horrific human cost.” 


However, Ukraine stated that these drones will be used only on military targets that are not closely located to people’s residences.


Even though both Russia and the Ukraine have deployed drones in the battlefield, the dragon drones are a new type of technology that Russia did not encounter before.


However, some believe that with extensive analysis on the features and functions of the drones, Russia will also be able to produce a similar weapon.


“But if it is judged highly effective, the basic technology behind them would be extremely easy to copy and rapidly deployed by Russian Forces too”, added Justin Bronk. 


Transforming technology into a weapon is not an unconventional phenomenon these days.


In fact, even during World War I, thermite was used for ‘thermite bombs’ to burn other territories. 


Some people believe that Ukraine will continue to experiment with different technologies that could possibly be used in the war’s front lines.


Even though both countries are aware of the health and environmental damage that exploiting these types of technology can have on society, they are prioritizing ways to use powerful technologies on the other.


As of now, Russia has not explicitly given a response to the recent utilization of dragon drones by Ukraine.


The use of new technology has elevated the tension between the two countries.


Both countries will have to adapt to the new strategies and technologies that are used, which may not have been expected a few years prior.

Hyejoo Shin / Grade 12
Seoul Foreign School