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YouTube Music revolutionizes song search with new 'Hum to Search' feature

2024.07.20 21:24:08 Hannah Hwang

[A person holding a smartphone with a YouTube logo on screen. Photo Credit to Pexels]

YouTube Music for Android has recently introduced a long-awaited tool, allowing users to hum a song to search for it, following a testing phase that began in March.

Many people find themselves with a melody stuck in their head but no way to identify the song.

YouTube Music has addressed this issue with an innovative new feature that lets users hum, sing, or even whistle a tune to find the song they're thinking of .

Unveiled recently for Android users, the "Hum to Search" feature is part of a broader rollout aimed at enhancing the user experience with intuitive and user-friendly tools.

This feature is a testament to Google's commitment to integrating advanced AI into everyday applications.

To use this feature, simply open the YouTube Music app, tap the search icon, and then click on the waveform icon next to the microphone.

From there, hum the tune, and within moments, YouTube Music will present a list of possible matches.

This technology builds on Google's existing voice search capabilities, first introduced in 2020, using machine learning to match the hummed melody to its vast library of songs.

This addition offers a seamless and quick way to identify music.

Whether belting out the latest pop hit or quietly humming a classical piece, YouTube Music's AI is designed to recognize a wide range of tunes.

In terms of performance, the feature has been well-received for its accuracy and speed .

Users have reported that it often gets the song right, even with less-than-perfect renditions, making it a strong contender against established music recognition apps like Shazam.

Unlike Shazam, which requires holding a phone up to the source of the music, YouTube Music's new feature only needs a few bars of humming.

However, the feature is not without its limitations.

It occasionally struggles with instrumental and classical pieces, sometimes providing inaccurate suggestions or asking the user to try again .

Additionally, it does not currently log audio searches alongside typed queries, which means there won't be a history of hummed searches.

Despite these minor issues, the overall functionality is impressive and continues to improve with ongoing updates.

This feature is part of YouTube Music's larger initiative to further incorporate AI into the platform to improve accessibility and enjoyment of music discovery.

It offers a more dynamic and interesting method of searching for music, helping users find songs they're having trouble placing.

As more users take advantage of this tool, additional improvements and refinements are likely.

For now, the “Hum to Search” option represents a major advancement in making music search more user-friendly and enjoyable.

In a world where technology constantly evolves to meet people’s needs, YouTube Music's latest innovation reminds the public that even the simplest ideas—like humming a tune—can lead to groundbreaking advancements.

The next time a melody becomes stuck in someone's head, there's no need to stress.

Simply humming the tune allows YouTube Music to handle the rest.

Hannah Hwang / Grade 11
Berkshire School