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An article highlights the impact of excessive screen time on daily life

2024.07.25 07:54:05 HyoJung Lee

[Electronics. Photo credit to Pixabay]

Excessive screen time can have detrimental effects, according to Dr. Aris Mosley, who emphasizes the importance of using electronic devices wisely.


Too much screen time on electronic devices is a severe problem for modern-day people.


As screen time becomes more integral to work, education, and entertainment, concerns about its impact on physical and mental health, social interactions, and overall well-being are rising.


Significant physical health issues can include eye fatigue and discomfort caused by prolonged screen use, often referred to as computer vision syndrome.


Additionally, exposure to blue light from screens, particularly before bedtime, can interfere with the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep.


This disruption often results in difficulties falling asleep, reduced sleep quality, shorter sleep duration, and insufficient sleep, which can lead to a range of health problems.


High screen time is also associated with a sedentary lifestyle, characterized by long periods of sitting with minimal physical activity.

This lack of movement can contribute to obesity and other health problems.


A sedentary lifestyle can lead to a series of cardiovascular diseases like coronary artery disease, hypertension, stroke, and more.


Moreover, the constant connectivity and social comparison facilitated by social media can lead to heightened stress, anxiety, and depression.


When people use social media, they see and connect with different people, which lead to comparisons that result in stress, anxiety, and depression.


Furthermore, the addictive nature of social media platforms can create a vicious cycle of negative mental health outcomes.


Screen time, especially when associated with video games and social media, can become addictive.


This addiction can affect daily life and overall well-being by causing people to neglect other activities and responsibilities.


The compulsive need to check notifications and updates can interfere with real-life interactions and responsibilities.


Excessive screen use can diminish opportunities for in-person social interactions, which are crucial for developing social skills and maintaining relationships.


This reduction can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, as digital interactions often lack the depth and emotional connection of face-to-face communication.


The distraction posed by screens can also hinder concentration and academic focus.


To address this issue, implementing strategies to manage screen time effectively is crucial.


Here are five recommendations to minimize the negative effects of screen use and promote a healthier lifestyle.


1. Limiting Screen Time Before Bed: Reducing screen exposure before bedtime can help ensure better sleep quality by minimizing blue light interference with melatonin production.


2. Encouraging Regular Breaks: Taking frequent breaks during prolonged screen use can alleviate eye strain and promote physical activity.


3. Promoting Educational and Interactive Content: Prioritizing educational and interactive screen content over passive consumption can enhance cognitive engagement and learning.


4. Encouraging Face-to-Face Interactions and Outdoor Activities: Balancing screen time with real-life social interactions and outdoor activities can support physical and mental health.


5. Monitoring and Setting Boundaries for Screen Use: Especially for children and adolescents, setting clear boundaries and monitoring screen use can help maintain a healthy balance with other activities.


By effectively managing screen time, people can reduce its negative impacts and enjoy a more balanced and healthy lifestyle.

HyoJung Lee / Grade 9
St.Johnsbury Academy Jeju